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The Project consists of renovations and improvements to SEPTA’s Woodland Shop. A summary of work includes but is not limited to the following: Demolition of entire existing rubber roof system. Removal of all mechanical roof top equipment and demolition of all roof curbs. Removal of existing roof drains and installation of new roof drains. Replacement of any deteriorated roof decking with new corrugated steel decking. Installation of new built-up roofing system, including new expansion joints and area dividers. Installation of new metal coping. Installation of new pre-fabricated roof curbs. Installation of new roof exhaust fans. Installation of new skylights/smoke hatches. Remove and install new roof dunnage for Paint Spray Booth make-up air units. Re-installation of existing AC units and make-up air units. Remove existing and install new ductwork and stacks through roof, extending as necessary. Install new 120 volt outlets to service rooftop equipment. Disconnect and reconnect existing electrical feed to rooftop equipment and modify existing conduits and cables. Remove existing and install new roof lightning protection system. Install new roof ladders and roof hatch. Remove and install new aluminum wall panels. Make miscellaneous crack and spall repairs on the exterior building surfaces. Remove all caulk and replace with new caulk on all exterior building surfaces. Prep and paint all exterior concrete surfaces of the building, canopy, and site retaining wall structures. Prep and paint all exterior steel surfaces of the building, canopy, and trolley pole structures. Perform nuclear isotropic roof scan to detect moisture upon completion of the roof. Flushing rain water conductors from the roof drain to the point of connection with the city sewer. Provide Temporary Facilities during construction.
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