HSE has been retained as delay claims expert witness on many cases nationwide. Not only do we have deep experience in construction litigation but we have actually been on the stand before and have testified in court. HSE team has a proven track record as we have been very successful in winning millions of dollars in compensable time for our clients.

Proactive Construction Claim Consultations

At HSE Contractors, Inc., we understand that proactive construction claim consultations are crucial for successful project outcomes. Our team of highly skilled construction claim consultants will collaborate with you to proactively address construction claims that may arise during the course of your project. We are committed to providing comprehensive support throughout the entire construction claims process, including the preparation and submission of TIA (Time Impact Analyses) and the presentation and defense of your position until the final award.

Our team of experienced claims consultants possess the expertise necessary to identify, analyze, and root cause construction claims on your complex engineered construction projects. We are dedicated to providing high-quality services, including the preparation and presentation of construction claims, to ensure that your project is completed on time and within budget.

Construction Claims Consulting Services

At HSE Contractors, Inc. (HSE), we offer a comprehensive range of construction claims consulting services for real estate owners, contractors, law firms, and insurance companies.

Our team of experienced consultants provides:

  • Construction Claims and Dispute Resolution: Expert witness testimony, entitlement analysis, CPM delay, productivity, and damages analysis.
  • Construction Consulting: Project extension of staff, project scheduling support, and cost estimating services.
  • Construction Planning and Scheduling Services: CPM preparation, time extension requests, schedule updating, and complete fully referenced expert reports review, analysis, and resolution.

Benefits Of Our Construction Claims Consulting Services

Our high-quality consulting services have earned worldwide recognition, with clients nationwide benefiting from our familiarity with different agency scheduling requirements. We utilize our extensive research, analytical, and risk management skills to ensure the integrity of your project. Our unique approach to construction consulting begins with the critical path method, which allows us to analyze all potential project impacts resulting in delays and to provide equitable resolution of claims and impact-related construction disputes throughout the project execution.

At HSE, we are dedicated to preventing, mitigating, and resolving construction claims. We work with all contractual parties to settle claims and construction disputes without the need for arbitration or litigation. If a disagreement arises and cannot be resolved out of court, we will work hard to produce the best possible outcome for your company and provide expert testimony when needed. Our consultants will work with you to provide expert services for mediation, arbitration, trial, and complete claims analysis to ensure a successful and winning claims resolution.

Why Hire A Construction Claims Consultant On Your Project?

Hiring a construction claims consultant at the start of your project will help prevent significant issues from arising as the project moves forward.

Through our comprehensive and industry-leading approach to construction project management, your projects and organizations will receive numerous benefits, including the avoidance of value-destroying projects, pursuing strategic growth opportunities with more incredible speed, skill, and confidence, reducing cost overruns and late schedule completions, and improving your ability to manage and minimize project risk.

Construction Claims Consultants FAQs

A construction claim is a formal request for compensation or relief made by a contractor or subcontractor to a project owner or general contractor due to unforeseen events, changes, or disputes.

Common types of construction claims include delay claims, disruption claims, acceleration claims, and change order claims.

A construction claims consultant provides expert advice and support to contractors, subcontractors, and project owners in preparing, managing, and resolving construction claims.

Benefits include expert knowledge, objective analysis, and effective claim preparation and negotiation, which can lead to faster and more favorable claim resolution.

The process typically involves identifying the claim, gathering and analyzing data, preparing the claim document, and submitting the claim to the project owner or general contractor.

Common challenges include incomplete or inaccurate project data, lack of documentation, and complex contractual provisions.

Technology, such as claim management software and data analytics tools, can improve the efficiency and accuracy of claim preparation, enable faster and more effective claim analysis, and facilitate collaboration among project stakeholders.

Effective claim negotiation and resolution are critical in construction, as they can help to minimize delays, reduce costs, and improve project outcomes.

Benefits include reduced costs, improved project relationships, and faster project completion.

Give us a call to talk with one of our construction claims consultants today!Contact Us

At HSE, we have the experience and knowledge to provide industry-leading construction claims consulting, regardless of the size, scope, or location of your project. Trust us to provide expert services that will ensure the success of your project.

I recommend we reach out to a scheduling expert to have them on our side to be ready. I know the perfect one – Hany ElBanna. He is as sharp as they come.

Francisco Touron,
Construction Litigation Trial Attorney
Board Certified in Construction Law
Work: (305) 441-9355


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