Lexington Sidewalk Construction

Lexington Sidewalk Construction

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Project at a Glance

Location: Boston, MA
Value: $500,000

Project Overview:

Lexington Sidewalk Construction CPM Scheduling

The work under this Contract consists of sidewalk construction. The project includes approximately 2,500’ of new sidewalk along Philip Road, Lantern Lane, Dawes Road, Buckman Drive, Locust Avenue to the intersection of Follen Road, and Pleasant Street. Approximately 150’ of new sidewalk and a pedestrian flasher assembly will be installed on Pleasant Street just to the south of the intersection of Worthen Road East. New ADA accessible wheelchair ramps, new pavement markings and new traffic and pedestrian warning signs will also be included. Work also includes some minor drainage modifications and retaining walls to minimize slope impacts, unclassified excavation, HMA sidewalk construction, HMA curbing, pavement markings, signs, pedestrian flasher assembly, drainage modifications and other incidental work.

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