Never Schedule Alone Again The Importance of a CPM Review |

Never Schedule Alone Again: The Importance of a CPM Review

A construction project’s success is determined by its ability to finish on time, under budget, and with minimal work flow interruption – all of which are achieved by creating a reliable schedule and executing it day in and day out. As CPM schedules are quickly becoming the new industry standard, more and more contractors are leveraging software to build construction schedules in-house. Though in-house scheduling for small scale projects may get the job done, high stakes undertakings merit the services of a third party review to identify scheduling errors – and mitigate losses – before ever breaking ground.

Partnering with a professional project management consulting firm to create or review a CPM schedule provides a formal review process before the schedule is presented to the owner and gets underway. A CMP planning professional will provide personalized attention and will accomplish the following:

  • Ensure that the schedule adheres to the parameters of all contract documents.
  • Evaluate time estimates to verify that they are realistic and account for delay allowances
  • Identify potential delay factors using a time impact analysis
  • Review all on-site and off-site activity schedules to provide maximum efficiency

Benchmarks of a Quality CPM Schedule

CMP scheduling consultants and firms are cropping up across the country, though few have the depth and breadth of experience required to deliver positive outcomes. Before contracting an HSE service, many of our clients had paid dearly for incomprehensible or unrealistic CPM schedules crafted by so-called “experts.”

In order to avoid falling into the hands of a scheduling swindler, or trying to execute an impossible timeline, take a moment to ensure that your CPM schedule contains all of the following elements.

  • A logical sequence of construction within a detailed and realistic timeline
  • Procurement processes
  • The interrelationship of both on-site and off-site activities
  • The relationship of each activity to overall project completion
  • Necessary tools to provide “what if” scheduling scenarios

CPM Schedule Review for Owners

Owners interested in having a contractor’s proposed schedule reviewed by an outside firm often gain greater understanding of their project while also securing the most favorable possible outcome. A properly created CPM schedule is an impartial and objective management tool, one that clearly communicates expectations and protects an owner’s interests from start to finish. HSE Contractors Inc. provides consulting services for owners and helps them take control of their construction projects by gaining a 360° understanding of every activity and learning how to monitor progress every step of the way.

If you’re interested in construction scheduling services or a CPM review to help ensure the reliability of your construction project schedule, contact us for a free project quote today.