HSE Contractors CPM Scheduling Projects By Industry Industry K-12 Education & School Projects Ebinger Elementary School Renovation and Site improvements

Ebinger Elementary School Renovation and Site improvements

Ebinger Elementary School Renovation and Site improvements

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Project at a Glance

Location: Chicago
Value: $18M
Owner’s name: Chicago public school authority
General Contractor: Fiedler construction

Project Overview:

Fiedler construction

The scope of work for this project involves interior renovation, site improvements, and the construction of a 15,500 square foot two-story extension building. This is done through a selective demolition and renovation of the existing kitchen and dining area inside the school building and converting them into two classrooms. The Site improvements involved a new parking lot, turf field, and playground. HSE was successful in obtaining approvals on all of the scheduling submittals without any delays to the contractor. The project is currently on time.

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