HSE Contractors CPM Scheduling Projects By Industry Industry Federal Projects Health Care Facility Improvement Program (HCFIP) at California Men’s Colony (CMC)

Health Care Facility Improvement Program (HCFIP) at California Men’s Colony (CMC)

Health Care Facility Improvement Program (HCFIP) at California Men’s Colony (CMC)

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Project at a Glance

Location: San Luis Obispo, CA
Value: $22 M
General Contractor: Zumwalt Construction, Inc.
Owner: California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation

Project Overview:

The work includes demolition, building pad preparation, site work, utility extensions and connections, installation of new generators and a fuel tank, and construction of new buildings. The project is located both inside of the existing secure perimeters and at the existing gravel parking lot. The new buildings will be fully grouted exterior CMU walls, metal framed interior partitions, and single-ply roofing membrane over rigid insulation. Site grading, paving, and utility relocation will be necessary for the construction of the new buildings, including but not limited to communication/signal, electrical, storm drain, water, and sewer lines.

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